second star to the right and straight on till morning...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

kids and birds

hey! who's idea was it to start a blog during my busy season anyway?! like i've not got other more pressing things to attend to?! eeek! it's saturday already! we leave for iowa in... 4 or 5 days. there's so much to do!! *sigh* i'm sitting here at 2:30am waiting for paint to dry. :) may as well blog a bit while i've got some quiet time to myself. s'okay though... it's a nice diversion from the crazy.

today... the couple things that i'm thankful for are not little things. they are big things. as a matter of fact four of them are growing things... well, not 'things' really. my kids. :) this morning the boys were playing on the wii (don't get me started on that thing! i once was a mom who said (in a high squeaky voice) "my children will never have video games!" pfft!) anyway, the kids were playing on the wii... i heard mitchell tell seth "seth, you are a mystewee!" "seth, you and me are mystewees!" obviously he was referring to some characters in the game they were playing but matt and i sure did enjoy the chuckle that gave us. :) of my four kids, my seth and my mitchell are little mysteries... they are eccentric, odd (in a wonderful way) and completely march to their own drummer. i really hope they are able to hold on to that sincere individuality as they continue to grow up. i know society will attempt to crush it, squeeze it out of them. i think that if matt and i continually nurture that aspect of their sweet personalities and show them that it's okay to make your own path, they'll be fascinating, delightful adults. my harrisen came to me today with three magnetic alphabet letters from the fridge. an "o" a "g" and an "m"... he set them in front of me, arranged the word "go" and then arranged "mo" then moved the "m" to follow the "o". and then arranged the word "go" again. he wrote out "go mom, go"... did you catch that? :) then he whispered in my ear, "go, mom, go! keep making paintings!" ... that boy. he totally made my day! it's been hard lately to "keep making paintings"... with so much worry on my plate, it's been difficult to be funny. :) my art supposed to be entertaining! anyway, harry made me smile... and encouraged me to keep on keeping on in a very special way. yesterday jack and i went on a date. i do that with everyone of my kids every once in a while. it gives some one on one time, time to talk and laugh and catch up. i get to ask how their 5 legs* are. we went thrifting, hit the grocery store and stopped at sonic for a treat. (have you ever had a limeade chiller?! omg-ness! it's like sucking a key lime pie through a straw! yummy!) anyway, jack's growing up so fast. everyone told me "don't blink. they grow up fast." i found myself saying "yeah, right" when i had three in diapers. well, you know what? i blinked, and now my oldest is 10. he's funny, he's charming, he's bright... he's amazing. and the best thing, they love me back. they are still young enough that they will gladly tell me so, they'll gladly hug me, even in public :) i hear nasty rumors that changes. :( ... cross that bridge...

the other big thing... i was in the car driving today, on my way to pick up jack from school, listening to a nice song on the radio (can't remember what it was).  i saw a bird sorta fly along next to my car for a short time until it disappeared into the woods. it just caught my attention, the way it moved... weightless. then, it was like a wave, a warm blanket covered me. complete peace. all of my stress was off my shoulders. and i heard "you're going to be fine. everything is going to work out." and i was like, "i know." i know.
i have been praying so hard for relief from some of the struggles that my family has been facing for the past 9 months. lately i've been so frustrated with, what seemed to me at the time, the lack of answers. for a few moments today, i was given that relief and was comforted. i am so grateful that i've been given the gift of the holy ghost to minister to me. he's been there... has always been there. i forget sometimes. it was a nice reminder today that heavenly father is aware of me and my needs and that i have been blessed in many many ways in the past nine months... and that "everything is going to work out."

my paint is probably long since dry. :) better get back to work...
oh, and i promise, not all of my posts will be this... serious. :P

* the 5 legs: (did you know you have five legs?) my mom asked me how my 5 legs were when i was young. i now do this with my children.
  1. your family leg. this includes home responsibilities and family relationships.
  2. your learning leg. this includes education or interests one is pursuing.
  3. your friends leg. this includes everything social.
  4. your body leg. this includes health and well-being.
  5. your spirit leg. this includes everything spiritual and one's relationship with god and jesus christ.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

little things

so many of my days lately have been clouded with worry and uncertainty that's it's become difficult to focus on the positive. i decided a while ago that it would be to my benefit and to my sweet family's benefit if i could consciously find one or two little things a day that make me smile or laugh or help me remember who i am and why i am here.  i think that blogging about it will be a good way to maybe force myself to be diligent about that goal i set for myself... and that is to see joy, even in the little things.

my little things today:
  • getting this blog up! yikes! i've never felt so incompetent! i started the attempt yesterday. after sitting in front of this computer for who knows how many hours, searching for the perfect and available title/address and the perfect background that's cute but not too cute... i gave up, then had to clean the house... because it had been left to four neglected minors. this morning i tried it again... and totally screwed the formatting up. i was playing in and deleting all sorts of html that looked unnecessary. turns out that html stuff, it's necessary. who knew?! i managed to get most everything straightened out except the fact that i have two main post boxes. ?? i'm a little nervous that when i publish this it'll post twice. i'm also going to try to post a video we took of the kids in savannah, ga earlier this spring. it's a great video that to me screams the reason i'm doing this blog in the first place... "find joy in the little things!"
  • my harrisen lost a tooth today! he came to me earlier with a gap in his grin and a half eaten apple... but no tooth. we can't find it anywhere! (i'm afraid he may have swallowed it.)

no to see about this video thing... this is a test. this is only a test. :)

now, i'm going to go snuggle with my kids and watch the wizard of oz before dinner.